The True Memory Foam Mattress Money-Back Guarantee

When it comes to buying a memory foam mattress, one of the most important things to look for is a retailer that offers a true money-back guarantee. When I say money-back guarantee I mean that you will actually get your money back if your memory foam mattress doesn’t work for you and you want to return it. Many memory foam mattress retailers offer what is called a “comfort guarantee.” A comfort guarantee is just a slick way of telling you that you are getting a store credit. You definitely don’t want a store credit or comfort guarantee and here’s why…

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To Save in a Tough Economy, Think Outside the “Leading Brand” Box

If you have watched the news for even five minutes lately, you know the economy is tough right now. (You don’t have to see the news to know that, you just have to live on the planet!) So how do you save money on your memory foam mattress in a tough economy?

A major way to save money on your memory foam mattress is to “Think Outside the ‘Leading Brand’ Box.” If you are even thinking about a memory foam mattress (or even if you’re not) you undoubtedly know what the famous “leading brand” of memory foam mattress is. It’s obviously the one that spends millions of dollars on its advertising and branding. Does this mean it’s the best mattress for your buck? Only if you want your buck to go to “leading brand’s” big budget advertising campaign!

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