100% Natural Latex Mattress for 100% Natural Sleep

Looking for comfortable sleep that is also 100% all natural? Then check out a 100% all-natural latex mattress. A 100% all-natural latex mattress is completely botanical and natural and is hypoallergenic, antibacterial, and dust mite-free.

When looking for completely natural and green sleep, you must be careful though.  “Buyer beware” is very important when looking for a 100% all-natural latex mattress.  This is because many companies will call their mattress “natural” latex when, in reality, there is just a small amount of natural latex in the mattress and the rest or part of it is made with synthetic or artificial latex.

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100% All-Natural Latex for Chemical-Free Sleep

Many people these days are looking for ways to live a greener, more chemically-free life. Since we spend about one-third of our life sleeping, going chemical-free with your mattress is a great place to start.  One of the best ways to do this is with a 100% all-natural latex mattress.

A 100% all-natural latex mattress is completely botanical and made from the sap of a rubber tree.  It is hypoallergenic, antibacterial, and dust mite-free.  Quite simply, it is the cleanest mattress you can find and ideal for those with allergies or those looking for a greener mattress alternative.

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Is the Topper Pad Helpful for Fibromyalgia and are They Hypo-Allergenic

We are often asked about whether our memory foam topper pads are helpful for people with specific types of pain issues. Here’s a question we got about fibromyalgia:


“I am trying to decide whether to purchase the 2″ or 3” memory foam mattress topper. I have fibromyalgia and will be placing the topper on my King Coil mattress and box springs (they are in great shape).

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