I found this user-submitted article on Ehow.com interesting – interesting in an amusing way. The article, How to Select a Foam Mattress – Easy Tips, by luyoung tries to help the reader select a mattress (a memory foam mattress, I think) with 8 easy tips. Here they are in a nutshell (with my comments), but you can check out the whole article by clicking on the above link.
1. Discuss size (meaning mattress size) with your bed partner. I love my king and can’t imagine two people in anything less than a queen, but my parents were in a full size bed the first 25 years of their marriage (and are still married after 52 years).
2. Discuss budget. I agree with this one, but look at the big picture. Saving money now could mean you are replacing your mattress way too soon.
3. Go to the mattress stores. Take a digital camera and a notebook. Sorry… You don’t have to go to a actual store. And what about doing your homework with some online research first?
4. Ask the salesperson if the mattress has temperature sensitivity. The author doesn’t even mention memory foam, but I am assuming this is what he or she is checking on. The author even suggests leaving a bag of ice on the bed for 15 minutes. Why not find out if the mattress is memory foam rather than leaving a bag of ice on it to find out?
5. Ask the salesperson about the warranty. The author suggests at least 15 years. My thought – Don’t just ask. Get the warranty in writing.
6. Ask the salesperson about density. Once again I guess the author is talking about memory foam although it is never mentioned in the article and the word “foam mattress” is what is used in the article title. Density isn’t the only factor when choosing a memory foam mattress. My suggestion – Buy a memory foam mattress with at least a 180 money back guarantee (not a comfort guarantee or store credit) so you can try the mattress at home. You can’t just buy a memory foam mattress based on a number.
7. Go the next store and repeat. Are you kidding me? My family calls this a “wild goose chase.”
8. Go home and discuss the variables with your bed partner. (This works if he or she hasn’t left you over these crazy tips!)
I have a much better idea than what this author suggests. Learn everything you need to know about memory foam mattresses by reading our Guide to Memory Foam and try our memory foam mattress in your home for 365 days to make sure you really love it.