The Dunlop Method of Making a Natural Latex Mattress

There are two different methods for making a latex mattress – the Dunlop method and the Talalay Method. In this blog I am going to talk about the Dunlop method.

The Dunlop method is the original and longest (in terms of how long it has been used) method of making latex.  It is used primarily for making natural latex.  (The Talalay method is mostly used for making synthetic latex, but can be used to make natural latex too.)

Natural latex is collected as a liquid by hand.  It is then poured into large vats where it is meticulously filtered to remove any particles. After that, it is poured into large molds, emulsified with water and air bubbles, then slowly heated and vulcanized.  Vulcanization is a process in which the liquid latex rubber is converted into a flexible solid.  The two vulcanization methods are the Dunlop and Talalay methods.

The oldest and most time-tested method of vulcanization is the Dunlop method. It yields a more supportive and slightly firmer natural latex than the Talalay method does.  The natural latex made via the Dunlop method has a firmer, more buoyant feel that latex made with the Talalay method.  The Dunlop method is also a less expensive process, so you save money over natural latex made with the Talalay method.

So does that mean you should stay clear of natural latex made with the Talalay method?  Not necessarily.  It depends on the feel you want.  To read more details about both the Dunlop and Talalay methods of creating a natural latex mattress, check out our Latex Buying Guide.


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