The article by “Coupon Clipper” screams to be read – Which One is Better: Memory Foam Mattress or Latex Foam Mattress?
The world awaits the answer… But wait… This is not a winner-take-all type of question. The mattress that is the best is the mattress that is best for YOU! Your needs and wants determine which type of mattress will best suit your needs.
A memory foam mattress is temperature sensitive and molds to the contours of your body, giving you unparalleled support. There are some cheap memory foam mattresses that are horribly made, some decent expensive ones that are overpriced, and some really nice ones that are reasonably priced and more affordable than the ones whose advertising you pay for with their expensive pricing.
Before you shop for a memory foam mattress, you should do your homework. We make that easy for you by providing our Guide to Memory Foam. No matter where you buy your memory foam mattress, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about memory foam. To make sure you are making the choice that’s best for you, we offer our 365 day money-back guarantee so you can try your mattress at home for a full year. That’s right! A full year to try your mattress at home!
When it comes to latex mattresses you need to beware of imitators. A true 100% natural latex mattress is botanically derived and completely natural. Unfortunately, up to 80% of latex mattresses are made synthetically and with petrochemicals. Don’t be fooled. A true natural latex mattress is antimicrobial, antibacterial, dust mite free, and resists mold and mildew. To learn more about natural latex mattresses, check out our Latex Mattress Buyer’s Guide.