In the article Finding A Trustworthy Memory Foam Mattress Review, author Beth Kaminski raises some good points about memory foam mattress review sites. It is true that some sites are run by memory foam mattress retailers or manufacturers pretending to be someone else to steer buyers to their own site. It is also true that some review sites are just there to make ad money and the people creating the reviews know absolutely nothing about memory foam.
So whom do you trust? How do you know if a mattress review is legitimate? A memory foam mattress retailer can easily make up or censor bad reviews, right?
It’s true that a memory foam mattress retailer can and will post only positive reviews on their site. This is why it’s important to read reviews from a non-biased third party site, like (This is true for any product, not just memory foam mattresses.)
On a retailer can not remove, alter or censor bad reviews. What the shopper writes is what you see – the good, the bad, and the ugly. At Healthy Foundations, we are proud to be the only perfect 5-Star Rated memory foam mattress retailer on the web.
When reading reviews on memory foam mattresses, trust the third party reviewer sites you know are legit. Retailers who provide a great product and great service are not afraid to have all their reviews be read.