A memory foam mattress topper may be just what you need to make your current mattress more comfortable without spending a lot of money. Can it fix a mattress that is past its useful life that should be thrown away? No, don’t count on it for that. In the article Memory Foam Mattress Toppers Explained, the author states that a memory foam mattress topper will give you “essentially, a new mattress.” It’s actually not quite that simple.
If your current mattress is less than five years old and in relatively good shape, but perhaps not as comfortable as you like, a memory foam mattress pad may be a good choice for you. If your mattress is older or has dips, sags and lumps in it, you are probably better off buying a memory foam mattress rather than a topper. A memory foam topper can make an uncomfortable mattress more comfortable, but it it isn’t a super-duper repairman for an old worn out mattress.
At Healthy Foundations, we sell both memory foam mattresses and memory foam mattress topper pads. We want to help you decide which is right for you. To read everything you need to know about making a wise memory foam purchase, check out our Guide to Memory Foam.