Urban Myer Take Leave of Absence Due to Stress

I have been following this story, Urban Meyer will take leave of absence for health reasons, since it broke on ESPN.  I immediately assumed that Meyer, 45, the successful football coach at the University of Florida, was seriously ill.  Why else would a successful 45-year-old man who loved his coaching job leave it?  Did he have cancer?  Did he have a terminal illness?  As the story gradually unfolded we learned that it was none of these – it was stress.

It seems that Myer started having chest pains about four years ago and he and his physicians believe it is stress-related.  He said he has had health-related problems all year and needs to learn how to deal with his stress.  And yes, for those who are not familiar with major college football, Urban Myer is under a lot of stress.  He is wise to back off and learn how to deal with it.

Although Myer had originally said he was stepping down, he has now decided to take a leave of absence.  This is a good idea since, if he learns how to deal with his stress, he may very likely be able to come back and successfully manage his health and his Gator coaching responsibilities.

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