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Memory Foam Home > Traveling


Travel Reviews
Coolfont - a funky getaway in the West Virginia hills.
Rancho La Puerta - our day at the famous vegetarian spa retreat.

We have been lucky and have traveled quite a bit, but in the last few years we have become more interested in finding those out of the way places to visit or really different types of things to do when traveling. One thing we have become interested in lately, for instance, is with natural hot springs. We have found a few in our area and its really wonderful to spend some time soaking in these waters. Whether they are healing or not I don't know, but it does feel really great. As we run across these types of travel finds, we will share them with you and hope that you will share your travel favorites with us. Please post your favorites on the travel section of the message board and we will post them on this site.

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