Why Resolutions are Broken and Goals are Met: How to Attain Your Goals

Fitness Goal Setting – Using Fitness Goal Setting as a Success Tool

Unlike resolutions, which are usually broken by February, goals are made to be set, attained, and set again at a new higher level. Goal setting is an important tool for evaluating your progress and successfully meeting your goals. It is the road map that helps lead you to your final destination. Short-term (immediate) and intermediate goals are the stepping-stones to your long-range goals. Short and intermediate goals are necessary so that success is experienced during the long journey towards your long-range and final, ultimate goal.

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Exercise Can Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

I have heard this question often:  “Can exercise lower my risk of type 2 diabetes?”

The answer:  Absolutely! In a recent study of 41,000 women, it was found that moderate exercise (walking, biking, etc.), done four times per week, cuts the risk of diabetes in half as we get older. This is a very exciting finding! It was also found that 8% of diabetes found in inactive adults may have been prevented with moderate exercise. Although there are genetic factors involved in acquiring type 2 diabetes (previously called adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent), the biggest culprits in the development of the disease are inactivity and excess body fat. This research shows yet another debilitating disease that can potentially be avoided through moderate exercise.

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Why Your Workout Should Be One of Your “Top Four” Each Day

Research has shown that if your workout is not one of your top four priorities of the day, it won’t get done.  Do I believe this?  Absolutely!  I have seen it in my 30+ years as a fitness professional as well as in my own life.  If your workout or exercise time is not on your “have to do” list, it is likely to get pushed aside for other things.

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“I’m Already Thin… Why Should I Work Out?”

“I’m already thin… Why should I work out?”

This is one of those lines we don’t hear as much in the fitness industry as some others, but it is a question that deserves some attention.

Working out, including resistance training, cardiovascular training, and flexibility, is not just for people who wish to lose weight. Fitness training is for your health, not just your looks. Thin does not necessarily mean healthy. Research has shown that someone who is thin and unfit is actually less healthy than someone who has a few extra pounds and is fit. People who are thin and unfit can have heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. just like people who are overweight and unfit. A sound exercise program can also make your body look and feel even better.

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Too Busy To Work Out? Why & How to Get Your Workout In

Everyone has the same 24 hours in each day. Amazingly, people who never have time to work out find time to eat, watch television, socialize, etc. You can spend just a few hours a week for your health, but the key is to schedule your workout time as if it is any other important appointment that cannot be canceled or skipped. It is, in fact, one of the most important appointments you can schedule for yourself. Many people have work and family obligations and neglect their health by not exercising. When you schedule your workout, don’t answer the phone, schedule something new, take on an additional commitment, etc. Research has shown that if you do not make working out one of the top four priorities in your day, you will not get it done.

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Why Control is Better Than Speed When Lifting Weights

I often see people in the gym slinging heavy weights around very quickly without regard to form or effectiveness.  When concern for, “How much do you lift?” becomes an important factor (males of a certain age are often guilty of this), then often times form goes out the window in favor of the “how much” bragging rights.

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