All memory foam mattresses aren’t created equal. One big difference is the quality of the foams used in making the mattress. In this FAQ I look at what sort of densities to look for in the core and memory foams used in the mattress to make sure it lasts. Click Here to read How Long Is The Expected Life Of A Memory Foam Mattress — Will It Last?
Author: David Rosenberg
Isn’t It Kind Of Crazy To Buy A Mattress Over The Internet — Without First Being Able To Feel It And Try It Out?
When I first started selling mattresses on the internet, my family thought I was nuts. Who, they wanted to know, would be crazy enough to pay $1000+ for a mattress that they only saw a picture of on the internet.
Things have changed a lot since back then in 1998, and these days the hottest part of the mattress retail scene is in the “bed-in-a-box” category. That is a bed you buy straight from the manufacturer or retailer and then it gets shipped to your door in a big box (they compress it so it can ship this way).
The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Tracking
An in-depth guide as to how sleep tracking is done with a look at how sleep is tracked in a sleep lab and a comparison of how well new sleep tracking device, both stand alone and those that work with i phone or other electronic devices, track sleep.
Source: The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Tracking | Sleep Junkies
New FAQ On How To Choose A Memory Foam Mattress
With all the new options that are out there, it can seem overwhelming when trying to choose a new memory foam mattress. To help you sort through the confusion, I’ve put together a new FAQ – Click Here To Read How to go about comparing memory foam mattresses (both online and in a store)?
FAQ – Do I Need a 2″ or 3″ Memory Foam Topper Pad
This is the most frequently asked question we got on our memory foam topper pads. In this FAQ I address why we only carried 2 and 3 inch toppers, and not 1 or 4 inch, and also how to choose between a 2 and 3 inch topper. Click here to read FAQ on how to choose between a 2 or 3 inch memory foam topper pad.
Can’t Sleep? Try Our Exclusive, Free Sleep Hypnosis Audio To Help You Get A Great Night’s Sleep
A few years ago my family went to a big Renaissance fair where we saw this amazing hypnotist.
We had experienced this sort of thing personally a few years before when my wife volunteered to be in a hypnotists show, and while she had been skeptical darned if she didn’t end up participating in all sorts of craziness on stage. And I have the video to prove it, although she would kill me if I did post it on the site — sorry.
5 More New FAQs Posted
Just got done posting the last of 5 new FAQs. These ranged from whether you can use a box springs with a memory foam mattress (and what types of support surfaces work well with a memory foam bed), whether a memory foam bed works well for folks over 250 lbs, do memory foam mattresses sleep hint (hint some may, others using latest generation memory foam not so much), are memory foam beds good for back and/or side sleepers, and finally whether memory foam beds work well for those with back pain.
Memory Foam, Mattress and Topper Pad Buying Guides Updated
The most popular pages of our website are our Memory Foam Buyer’s Guide, Memory Foam Mattress Buying Guide and Checklist, and the Memory Foam Topper Pad Buying Guide and Checklist where I share the insider’s tips I’ve gathered from my 20+ years selling memory foam. I recently updated all these and added new content, which I hope will give you the information you need to find the right memory foam mattress or topper for you at the right price.
Just Posted 4 New FAQs On Memory Foam
I got busy over the weekend and started writing up some of the FAQs that we have heard over the years from our customers about memory foam. I got 4 done to start with, with more on the way soon. The first 4 were – and you can click on the links below to take you to the FAQs :
What is the difference in memory foam density?
Memory foam’s density is expressed by the weight of a cubic foot of that particular material. So, for example, the memory foam we use for our topper pad has a 4 lb/cubic foot density (or more generally referred to as 4 lb memory foam). This simply means that a cube that is a foot in each dimension made of this particular foam would weight 4 lbs.
Continue reading “What is the difference in memory foam density?” »