Memory Foam Mattress: Is Density the Most Important Factor When Choosing a Memory Foam Mattress?

One of the most frequent questions we receive about memory foam is about density and its importance when choosing a memory foam mattress.  Just how important is density when selecting a memory foam mattress?

The most important aspect when choosing a memory foam mattress is how it actually feels to you when you sleep on it in your home for an extended period of time. This is why it is so important to buy your memory foam mattress from a retailer that offers a complete money-back guarantee (not a store credit) for long period of time. I recommend using a retailer who offers a money-back guarantee for at least 180 days or more.

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Memory Foam Mattress Reviews: Whom Should You Trust?

In the article Finding A Trustworthy Memory Foam Mattress Review, author Beth Kaminski raises some good points about memory foam mattress review sites.  It is true that some sites are run by memory foam mattress retailers or manufacturers pretending to be someone else to steer buyers to their own site.  It is also true that some review sites are just there to make ad money and the people creating the reviews know absolutely nothing about memory foam.

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Memory Foam Mattresses Give Back Pain Relief

Give Relief to Your Back With Memory Foam Mattresses hits the nail on the head with its title (except that you only need one memory foam mattress, not mattresses).  Many people find relief from back pain by switching from a traditional mattress to a memory foam mattress.

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Memory Foam Mattress Versus Latex Foam Mattress

The article by “Coupon Clipper” screams to be read – Which One is Better:  Memory Foam Mattress or Latex Foam Mattress?

The world awaits the answer…  But wait… This is not a winner-take-all type of question.  The mattress that is the best is the mattress that is best for YOU!  Your needs and wants determine which type of mattress will best suit your needs.

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Elderly Green Tea Drinkers at a Lower Risk for Depression

According to an article by Laurie Barclay, MD, entitled Green Tea Drinking in Elderly Linked to Lower Risk for Depression, more frequent consumption of green tea is associated with a lower risk of depression in older adults.  These findings are based on a cross-sectional study published in the December 2009 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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Memory Foam Mattress Toppers: Buying Online has an article written by “Know It All” entitled Buying Memory Foam Mattress Toppers Online.  I have to say, quite simply, that “Know It All” doesn’t.

“Know It All” does suggest doing research and buying a memory foam mattress pad online, but his or her guidelines are less than knowledgeable.  After going online, typing in “memory foam mattress topper” and finding a “pretty long list of manufacturers and retailers that are selling toppers” the instructions are, and I quote, “Simply go through and find one that’s over 2 inches thick and made in the U.S.”  If only it were that easy!

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