Try Wool for Your Natural Latex Mattress Cover

So you want a 100% all-natural, completely botanical latex mattress. You want it for its comfort, as well as the fact that it is hypoallergenic, dust mite-free, and antibacterial. Great! So what do you want your 100% all-natural latex mattress to be covered with so you can really benefit from latex’s great qualities?

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Latex Mattresses: The Talalay Method of Making Latex

There are two methods of making latex for latex mattresses. The oldest method is the Dunlop method, which I covered in a previous blog. The newer method, which is used primarily for making synthetic latex, is the Talalay method.  Although the Dunlop method is the primary method for making all-natural latex, it gets a bit more confusing when you learn that the Talalay method can also be used for making not just synthetic latex, but natural latex too.

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The Dunlop Method of Making a Natural Latex Mattress

There are two different methods for making a latex mattress – the Dunlop method and the Talalay Method. In this blog I am going to talk about the Dunlop method.

The Dunlop method is the original and longest (in terms of how long it has been used) method of making latex.  It is used primarily for making natural latex.  (The Talalay method is mostly used for making synthetic latex, but can be used to make natural latex too.)

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The Botanical Mattress: The All Natural Latex Mattress

Looking to make your life more green, organic, and botanical? Thinking about starting where you spend one-third of your life – in bed.

A 100% all-natural latex mattress is made from the sap of rubber trees and is completely botanical.  It is antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and resistant to dust mites.  This makes an all-natural latex mattress a great choice for those with allergies or who want a greener, botanical mattress than traditional mattresses.  A latex mattress is also very comfortable, making it a great mattress for anyone looking for a comfortable mattress too.

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Natural Latex Mattresses: Freedom From Dust Mites!

Dust mites are a common allergen in the home, collecting in carpets, on window coverings, in mattresses, and anywhere dust finds a place to settle.  Although the perception that mattresses double in weight every 10 years due to dust and dust mites is a myth (see, those with allergies or the desire to lessen their contact with dust mites are frequently turning to 100% all-natural latex mattresses.

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100% Natural Latex Mattress for 100% Natural Sleep

Looking for comfortable sleep that is also 100% all natural? Then check out a 100% all-natural latex mattress. A 100% all-natural latex mattress is completely botanical and natural and is hypoallergenic, antibacterial, and dust mite-free.

When looking for completely natural and green sleep, you must be careful though.  “Buyer beware” is very important when looking for a 100% all-natural latex mattress.  This is because many companies will call their mattress “natural” latex when, in reality, there is just a small amount of natural latex in the mattress and the rest or part of it is made with synthetic or artificial latex.

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Natural Latex Mattress: Look for 100% Natural Latex

Many people are turning to all-natural latex as their mattress of choice. Sure, you want natural latex for its comfort and its 100% botanical qualities, but how can you be sure you are getting 100% all-natural latex?  You have to do your homework and you have to ask the hard questions.  Here’s why:

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Latex Mattress or Memory Foam Mattress: Which is the Best Choice?

You can frequently see the question, which is better, a latex mattress or a memory foam mattress?  This isn’t a question that can really be answered — It’s like asking a truck guy which is better Ford or Chevy?  The answer comes down to personal preference.

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Natural Latex Mattress Benefits

Thinking about a new mattress?  Tired of tossing and turning and sleeping in that crater in the middle of your innerspring bed?  Perhaps you are thinking about a memory foam mattress or an all natural latex mattress.  Both are great choices, but today I’m going to talk a little bit about natural latex mattresses.

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Exercise: Sleep’s Best Friend

Want to sleep better? Who doesn’t? It’s funny how our ancestors never had trouble sleeping.  People used to walk places, work in the fields, do manual labor… Now we have machines to do all that and save us time, yet many people still say they don’t have time to exercise.

Research shows that even small increases in exercise, like a daily half-hour walk, can improve your sleep and your health.  The one caveat to this is that you should not exercise close to your bed time.  That will actually make it difficult to wind down and to fall asleep.

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