Memory Foam Mattresses – Memory Foam Mattresses Even Work With Wacky Beds

Every now and then I run into something interesting and unusual and sometimes, rather weird.  When I saw this next bed, I said, “What will they think of next?”  My next thought was, “Will this “Evening Breeze bed” work with a memory foam mattress?

The Evening Breeze beds cool you off to sleep explains how rather than spoiling your decor with an eco-friendly way to cool yourself while you are sleeping, you can purchase one of the Evening Breeze range of beds.  They come with special bed posts and canopies that feature built-in ventilation systems.  They pull the air from under your bed, cool and dehumidify it, and then blow it over you.  Sounds interesting, huh?

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Ambulance Driver with a Sleep Disorder Kills Himself and His Patient

I saw the article Ambulance driver in fatal I-65 crash had health issues and had to read it.  The article was written by Kate Howard.

According to the article, the private ambulance driver, David Cline, suffered from epilepsy and the sleep disorder, narcolepsy.  Apparently the company Cline worked for didn’t know he had these health problems.  Cline left the roadway at 50 mph, hit a parked truck, and never hit the brakes.

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Urban Myer Take Leave of Absence Due to Stress

I have been following this story, Urban Meyer will take leave of absence for health reasons, since it broke on ESPN.  I immediately assumed that Meyer, 45, the successful football coach at the University of Florida, was seriously ill.  Why else would a successful 45-year-old man who loved his coaching job leave it?  Did he have cancer?  Did he have a terminal illness?  As the story gradually unfolded we learned that it was none of these – it was stress.

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Concern About Sleep Drug

I came across the blog Actelion Sleep Drug Causes Safety Concern.  According to the blog, the insomnia drug Almorexant made by Actelion is not yet safe.

Late-stage trials showed safety concerns that were unspecified.  Although this drug was supposed to be another alternative for those who cannot sleep, it needs more research and data before it can be deemed safe.

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Facts About Dreams

I found this article on, Dream Facts, to be very interesting.  The article just lists facts about dreams, many of which I had never heard of before.  Since the article’s author is cited as “guest,” and he or she does not cite any references, it is difficult to know how many of these “facts” are actually accurate, but it is fun to read.

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Sleep Apnea Testing in Your Own Home

I stumbled across this article about Group Health and the innovative way they can allow their patients to test for sleep apnea in their own home.  This is a great idea for those who do not want to test at an inpatient sleep clinic.  Testing at home is less expensive and more convenient.  It will also allow people to sleep more naturally and normally than they would at an inpatient clinic.

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Hangover Impairs Judgment in Young Adults

I found this interesting article about how, even after the alcohol is out of a one’s system, it still causes impairment.  The study was done in a test facility with young adults between the ages of 21 and 33 (most likely age to overindulge) and was done with alcohol and placebos.  The researchers determined blood alcohol levels, sleep patterns, and the ability to think quickly over a long period of time.

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