Scientific Links Between Processed Foods and Depression Keep Getting Stronger

I just came across an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola about the link between certain foods and depression. The article is interesting and certainly makes you think about what you put into your body. The old, “You are what you eat,” seems to certainly apply here.

Foods and additives that are linked to promoting depression include sugar, genetically engineered ingredients, glyphosate, artificial food additives, and gluten.

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“Love Handles” and the Spot Reduction Myth

I frequently hear questions about “spot reduction” and “love handles” are a common place where people would like to reduce their body fat.

Also common are the myths many people believe about losing body fat, especially when it comes to losing body fat off of specific areas.

You cannot “spot-reduce” any area of your body. To lose body fat off of this area (your “love handles”) you must lose body fat. Period. The areas where fat is deposited are genetically predetermined. Some people are predisposed to depositing excess fat on the buttocks and legs, some in the abdominal area, some on the sides, etc.

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Exercise: Sleep’s Best Friend

Want to sleep better? Who doesn’t? It’s funny how our ancestors never had trouble sleeping.  People used to walk places, work in the fields, do manual labor… Now we have machines to do all that and save us time, yet many people still say they don’t have time to exercise.

Research shows that even small increases in exercise, like a daily half-hour walk, can improve your sleep and your health.  The one caveat to this is that you should not exercise close to your bed time.  That will actually make it difficult to wind down and to fall asleep.

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Fragmented Sleep and Its Effect on Health

As the wife of a career fire captain who is retiring in six months after 33 years of service, the article, The Trouble with Sleep: A hidden hazard to firefighters’ health, really resonated with me.  The health problems associated with fragmented sleep include not only problems with mental health, but an increased incidence of everything from diabetes to heart attack to stroke.  So are firefighters the only ones at risk due to their choppy sleep habits?  Unfortunately, firefighters, medical residents, and the like are not the only ones at risk these days.  Here’s why…

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Why the Healthy Foundations 10″ Memory Foam Mattress is Unique

The Healthy Foundations 10″ Memory Foam Mattress continues to distinguish itself from the crowd. With thousands sold, an amazing 96% of its reviewers would recommend it to a friend. What makes this mattress stand out in the crowd?

First of all, the Healthy Foundations 10″ Memory Foam Mattress is unique because every aspect and every layer of its construction are of the highest quality.  Of course you can get memory foam mattresses that are much cheaper, but they are made with much cheaper components.  This means that they are not as comfortable and not built to last.  Our mattress has a 10-year non-prorated warranty.  Not only that, but our mattress is the only memory foam mattress in the industry that does not have a minimum sag requirement for a warranty claim.  With other companies, you have to meet their minimum requirement or your warranty claim is rejected.  Have a sag of 1.49 inches that is making you uncomfortable and the company requires a 1.5 inch sag?  Too bad – you are out of luck.  It is not that way with the Healthy Foundations 10″ Memory Foam Mattress.  If a mattress has a sag or dip that affects your comfort, the warranty is honored.  There are no “gotcha” clauses (and very few warranty claims).

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Memory Foam Mattress or Natural Latex Mattress: Both Equal Great Sleep

Is it time for a new mattress?  Maybe you are tired of tossing and turning or rolling into that crater in the middle of your old innerspring mattress.  Perhaps it’s time to think about two of the most comfortable mattresses around — the memory foam mattress and the natural latex mattress.

A memory foam mattress is temperature sensitive and uses this temperature sensitivity to mold to the contours of your body.  This reduces pressure points and the need to toss and turn to get comfortable.  Once you do change positions, the memory foam “remembers” its shape and gently molds to your new sleeping position.

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Memory Foam Mattresses: Shop Online for Comfortable Sleep

Perhaps you are looking for a memory foam mattress, or maybe you are looking for another type of mattress.  You may think that the only way to shop for a memory foam mattress is to go to your local mattress store, lie on a mattress for 10 minutes, pick one out, and cross your fingers.  Memory foam mattress shopping doesn’t have to be that way.

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Memory Foam Does Not Have to “Sleep Hot!”

One of the concerns people have with memory foam is its reputation for “sleeping hot.” Memory foam reacts to your body’s weight and its temperature, as well as the room temperature. Does this mean it is destined to sleep hot? Not at all!

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